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A special class to handle CRecArray record.



1. CRecArrayHnd
Class constructor
2. CopyHeader
Copy header content from other record.
3. AdjustHeaderSize
Adjust the size of the fix structure portion of the record to the given size.
4. GetBuffer
Retrieve the pointer to the internal memory buffer.
5. SetRecord
Set a record array into handler for modification.
6. SearchAddDummyTag
Add a unique dummy tag.
7. ReplaceDummyTag
Replace dummy tag at specified position.
8. InsertDummyTag
Insert a dummy tag at a specified position.
9. AddDummyTag
Add a dummy tag at the end of array.
10. SearchReplace
Find and replace the given record in the array or add as a new record if the identical not found.
11. RemoveRef
Remove a reference to the given record type and real id.
12. Remove, RemoveAt
Remove sub-record in record array.
13. RemoveAll
Clear array content.
14. BringSelectedRecord
Bring selected record to bottom or surface.
15. AddIfNotExisted
Add a new record only if the identical does not existed.
16. Add
Add a record into array.
17. CopyContents
Copy the contents from other array.
18. WriteGroupedText, WriteGroupedTextW
Write a text into a group in record array.
19. RemoveSubAttr
Remove or add attributes for subrecords.
20. WriteText
Write a string into record array.
21. ReplaceAt
Replace a record at given position.
22. Insert
Insert a record at the given position.
23. CreateNew
Create a new record array within handler.
24. AddLabelObj
Create and insert a label record into array.
25. CopyLabelObj
Create label objects for all objects found in given list.
26. Truncate
Remove array content a position larger than given value.
27. WriteLabel
Write a record label.
28. WriteCode
Write a code text.
29. WriteDescription
Write a record description.
30. AddNew
Add a new record into array.
31. FastRemove
Remove the first matching record in array.
32. MakeSolid
Make the content solid (no reference to objects in file).


CBillHnd, CCardHnd

CRecArrayHnd was derived from CRecordHnd class to provide extra functionallity for record array management.
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